it’s fun to blow dandelion seeds in your neighbor’s yard

Scrub a dub dub, three Nazelrod children in a tub.

Elijah at the temple.

Remember how fun it was to blow dandelion seeds everywhere when you were little? Now I cringe when the kids do it, but I bite my tongue. What is a little more weeds going to hurt?

We went to Sandra’s so Chris could try to fix her garage door.

Then the spring that Chris was working on flew back and knocked him in the lips.

This was a day later, the first day his lips were HUGE.
We are just thankful he didn’t knock his front teeth out, again. He needed 3 stitches. That brings his stitch total up to…? We don’t know, but it’s up there. Sandra felt terrible.

She felt so bad that she sent us home with a tag along (just kidding, she was going to give it to us anyway). I’ve been coveting a tag along for years, that and a nice Trek bicycle. I can not wait to try it out with Savannah, I’m just not sure if Savannah will ride it.

Chris tried to fix it, right after the stitches!

This was a week ago. I think peas are so neat.

In case you need a Lily fix. She is pretty sweet.

Who is that white trash mom that keeps her kids in pajamas all day long? Oh right, that’s me!  I actually have a very good reason for that; Lily still crawls and we spend a lot of time outside, so she gets filthy. I’d rather have her ruin pajamas than other clothes. Plus this way she can’t take her socks off and sunburn her feet or scratch them up on the driveway. That’s another reason why we need to live in the country, so no one knows when the kids and I stay in our jammies all day.

I don’t have a good reason for why Elijah was still in pajamas. The big kids are trying to collect ants.

That cast is cramping my style. Just a little bit longer, I hope.

The kids still love to play swing ball with Chris. I try to play it with them, but Savannah tells me that Chris is better. I think Savannah tries to kick the ball over the fence because she likes to go and retrieve it.

Some funny things Elijah has said lately.

*When Lily does something ‘naughty’ (which is never because she’s an angel and she’s a baby) Elijah calls her Lily Margaret! But! he can’t pronounce his L or Rs. So it sounds a little something like this; WeWe Mawgawet. Haha, cracks me up every time he says it. Which is about 50 times a day.*

*A couple of weekends ago, Chris went to put the kids to bed and they were clinging to me. Which is super weird because they love that dad, especially when that dad is in school and they never see him. I told Elijah that dad could sing to him, too. Elijah said, “NO! Daddy just does this hhmm hhmmm hhhmmmm!”*

Well, my husband just came home an hour early (scared the crap out of me when the door opened and I wasn’t expecting it!) with ice cream. So, I’ll end here. I love LOVE LOVE this talk.

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